What is the Current Law in Ireland?
Following the Referendum in May 2018, the law has changed regarding the termination of pregnancy since January 2019.
The legislation now allows for termination up to 12 weeks, but also allows for terminations in cases of fatal foetal abnormality after 12 weeks.
The law states: “A termination of pregnancy may be carried out in accordance with this section where two medical practitioners, having examined the pregnant woman, are of the reasonable opinion formed in good faith that there is present a condition affecting the foetus that is likely to lead to the death of the foetus either before, or within, 28 days of birth”.
Due to the limited nature of this wording, there will remain cases or categories of poor diagnosis, or even maternal health issues, where women will still not be able to access terminations in Ireland.
We strongly believe there must be established referral pathways and standards for all women regardless of geographic area, including referral pathways from the Irish Maternity services to services abroad where required.
We feel it is an essential service and that a duty of care is owed the patient to ensure they are medically supported throughout. However, we are anecdotally informed by many of our members that they were given no information on how to access treatment abroad by their Irish healthcare team.
We are very aware that due to the limited nature of the criteria under current legislation, there are still those who find themselves requiring a termination in another country.
For this reason, we have compiled some information for patients who are finding it difficult to get information:
UK Hospitals
- St George’s University Hospital – Blackshaw Road, Tooting, London SW17 0QT London
All telephone enquiries should be directed through the trust’s main switchboard: 0044 (0)20 8672 1255
Ask for Fetal Medicine Unit (Note there is also a Bereavement support section: 0044 (0)20 87253410 or 2087253411)
- Guy’s Hospital – Maze Pond, London, SE1 9RT
Switchboard: 0044 (0)20 7188 7188
Ask for Fetal Medicine Unit /Maternity Services
- King’s College – Harris Birthright Centre, Second Floor, Fetal Medicine Research Institute, 16-20 Windsor Walk, SE5 8BB
Main Reception: +44 (0)20 3299 3246
Harris Birthright Consultant’s Office: +44 (0)20 3299 8466
Harris Birthright Midwives Office: +44 (0)20 3299 8254
- Liverpool Women’s hospital – NHS Foundation Trust, Crown Street, Liverpool L8 7SS
Phone: 0044 (0)1517089988
Fetal Assessment Unit: 0044 (0)1517024072
The Honeysuckle Bereavement Team office is open Monday – Friday 8 am to 4 pm and you can contact the team via telephone or email:
0044 (0)1517024151, honeysuckle@lwh.nhs.uk
- St Mary’s Hospital (Lindo Wing) – S Wharf Road, Paddington, London: 0044 (0)2033121607
Main number: 0044 (0)02038114093
You can contact LMC on our helpline: 086 374 5474 or by email at: leanbhmochroi@gmail.com