Liverpool Women's Hospital
The Honeysuckle Team provide care for women and their families at Liverpool Women’s Hospital following pregnancy loss at any gestation and early neonatal death.
The Team provides practical guidance, information and emotional support to families, helping to explain some of the formalities involved and guide families through some of the choices that are required at such a difficult time.
The Honeysuckle Team can be contacted during their office hours Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm on 0044 (0)151 702 4151 or email:
The Honeysuckle Team have a closed Facebook group for families who have suffered a baby loss. Request to join the ‘Honeysuckle Community Page’. There is also a separate closed group solely for dads to join. Request to join ‘Honeysuckle Dads Page’.
Although the team do not offer formal counselling they are available to have an informal chat; sometimes this can be helpful to do with someone outside of the family setting. They can also provide information for specialist bereavement counselling. You can find their webpage below, which has many informative links and pages relating to overseas patients: