Ileana’s story

In the following account, Ileana describes the story of the loss of their baby boy Darragh. She and her husband traveled in 2017, while the country was debating the need to hold a referendum on the 8th Amendment and the Citizen’s Assembly was hearing testimony....

Jen’s Story

We found out we were expecting our second child in June 2012. We were thrilled. I was unsure of my dates so we booked an early scan for later that week they said I was seven weeks pregnant. We were delighted when we found out our baby was due on our anniversary, it...

Amy’s Story

When I found out that I was going to become a mother, I was overcome with joy and excitement. My husband and I were delighted and began discussing maternity options, car seats, baby carriers and cots. Like all expectant parents, we started preparing for our new...

Tracey’s Story

On the 19th of March, 2014 I spent 12 hours with my fourth baby, my second daughter and the person that would literally change my life. I was 22 weeks pregnant when we found out Grace was terminally ill. She had, after many, many examinations by professors of fetal...

Theo’s Story

I decided later on in life, at the age of 39, that I wanted a child, but being single that presented a problem. After much research and soul searching, I eventually got my head around the decision of going to a clinic and using a donor. It happened the first time and...

Sarah’s Story

I fell pregnant with our first baby in June 2009. As the months went by (and after weeks of very bad pregnancy sickness) we got used to the idea and started to really look forward to our new arrival in March 2010. I remember a class I taught, buying us little...